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2 years ago

I'm writing a review of inRoute and I'd love to hear any thoughts you all might have!

Some notes so far:

- The simple fact that inRoute is *commandable* is perhaps its single most relentlessly extraordinary quality, which reflects quite pitifully on the rest of the offerings who claim to be navigation apps. This goes beyond just driving enthusiast users like me - the vast majority of the conversations I've had with regular users about navigation apps have touched on the need for recallable, specifiable, reliable regular routes.
- By far and away the most daily-usable of the "advanced" navigation category I've ever encountered. As in, by far the fewest compromises as one's primary navigation app.

- When you live, work, and generally spend time between several locations across complex systems of roads subject to all kinds of (mostly chronologically-controlled) variables, inRoute can become an invaluable life planner. #routes

I'm writing a review of inRoute and I'd
‎inRoute - Intelligent Routing